Expertise in employment law and Human Resources
Our teams of lawyers, legal experts, payroll specialists and social protection experts can assist HR departments, legal departments, and company directors with all aspects of individual and collective employment relations in France.

Outsourcing payroll
Payroll management is of vital importance to your business. We are here to guide you through this task, whatever your business or the size of your organisation.
We provide you with our expertise in drawing up pay slips, managing social security returns (“Sécurité Sociale in French) and calculating withholding tax (“Impôts retenus à la source” in French).
Employment law advice
To prosper in a constantly changing environment, your company needs to adapt to the economic context and to changes in French legislation. These rapid changes demand agility and anticipation.
- Our employment lawyers provide practical, operational advice tailored to your needs.
- We monitor legislation, collective bargaining agreements and case law relating to your business.
Support with individual and collective relations

COGEP helps you, as an employer, to put people at the heart of your approach to individual and collective relations.
- Our support extends from drafting the employment contract to its termination*, including the choice of the type of employment contract*, the development of remuneration and employee savings policies, affiliation to a mutual insurance/insurance scheme and the assessment of business-related risks.
Specific features of the social security system in France:
*Termination of employment contracts (amicable or otherwise): voluntary resignation, contractual termination, redundancy …
*Employment contracts: CDD (fixed-term contract), CDI (permanent contract) …
- We can also help you manage social dialogue, your relations with trade unions and the works council (“CSE” or “Comité d’entreprise” in French), dealings with occupational medicine, and employee benefits (benefits in kind, vehicle/accommodation, employee savings schemes, bonuses, stock options).
- We can advise you on setting up and monitoring working time management systems*.
Specific features of the social security system in France:
*Overtime, RTT, paid leave, special leave (maternity, paternity, parental leave), sick leave …
- We keep abreast of changes to the French Labour Code and collective agreements relevant to your business.
Our solutions bring you creativity, flexibility, and reliability. Our presence throughout France means we can be close to you.